Trust + Open Communication = “Buy-in”

‘BUY IN’ is not the same as ‘CONSENSUS’

Open communication is not simply allowing co-workers to go on legendary rants, or providing an open forum for airing of grievances and granting permission to communicate what they really think of one another like some kind of “workplace Festivus”.  Rather, it allows everyone the opportunity to:

  • Get a chance to weigh in with their opinion(s);
  • Feel valued knowing that others truly listened to their point of view and expertise;

  • Give them a chance to “buy in” to an idea that is being presented;
  • Allow for “rumination time” (more on rumination in a future blog) to new ideas and change;
  • Move forward and support, even if they disagree.

When everyone on the team has a chance to provide their honest opinion, in a safe environment where challenging convention is welcome and a diversity of opinions is celebrated… then everyone on the team has an opportunity to ‘buy in’ to the plan that will ultimately move forward.  This is not consensus!


In the end, it’s about making the right decision that will provide the optimal results for your organization.  It should never be about someone ‘being right’, or supporting a manager to placate them or worse – a power struggle.

Let’s chat!

I’m happy to discuss any successes, challenges and areas of need of enhancement that you may have in your workplace.  Give me a shout at: 905-481-2734 or email: